How to Invest in Real Estate with No Money

Is it possible to invest in real estate with no money? If you watch “how-to-get-rich-in-real-estate infomercials” on TV and the Internet, everyone and their dog seems to be getting rich doing just that – but can you believe them? You can invest in real estate with little to no money upfront, but it’s more complicated … Read more

9 Best Real Estate Investing Apps for 2023

The very thought of getting into real estate investing can be overwhelming. There’s a lot of work involved in finding the right property, not to mention the many expenses involved with purchasing real estate. On top of this, you have to worry about finding good tenants and being a landlord.  You can avoid the hassle … Read more

12 Best Paying Jobs in Finance in 2023

Job security is always a concern when choosing a career, but some fields are more recession-proof than others. And while there’s no guarantee that any job will be immune to cutbacks or layoffs, some industries weather economic storms better than others. One industry that tends to be recession-resistant is finance. After all, people will always … Read more